Words cannot express our gratitude!  Several months ago, with much trepidation and fear, we had to reach out for help, and we found you - “The Wayland Paranormal Group.”  After several years of unexplained incidents occurring in our home and with the increasing and more threatening activity presenting itself over the past six months we couldn't just keep pretending it wasn't happening.  It was either seek help or move!  Following my initial email, you responded immediately and a pre-investigative meeting was initiated.  We met with both of you and you were able to reassure us that you would find the reason(s) for the activity and would ‘stay with us’ until the issues were resolved to ‘our’ level of comfort. 

The following week you came for the formal investigation and you were able to conclude that we in deed had paranormal activity - we weren't crazy!  Although it was extremely scary - we had been validated!! You were here throughout the night utilizing your technical equipment, explained everything as you were doing it, and kept us involved throughout the entire investigation.  Your professionalism and knowledge was outstanding, your calm demeanor and willingness to explain occurrences and in some instances able to debunk others was handled with great finesse.
Unfortunately, our uninvited guests were not so willing to move on without a fight – but once again, you were prepared and had the knowledge to deal with our unique situation.  You put in many hours of research, contacted ‘outside’ sources for advice and support and had to make numerous trips to our home.  This was all done on your own time and at your expense!    Bottom line – “you” were able to bring peace and comfort back into our “home” - one I was willing to leave just a few months ago!

Although your website indicates that you do this to help clients and continue research for your selves and other groups like you – we only observed your sincere concern and interest in “our” well being.  You always made your selves available for our calls, and when we weren’t calling you, you called us to see how we were doing – solely because of you - “The Wayland Paranormal Group” we can stay in our home and live in peace – thank God you are there to help all those in need!

Forever Indebted –